What Is The Difference Between Muckaway & Site Clearance?

Muckaway is largely the same thing as site clearance. Both terms refer to the act of removing waste from construction sites. Clearing large amounts of waste requires specialist equipment and knowledge.

How Is Muckaway Removed?

Removing waste from construction sites requires the use of haulage vehicles. Groundworks and preparation services like excavations leave large amounts of soil that need to be taken away. The best way to remove this waste is by the use of tipper trucks and grab lorries. The waste is loaded onto the vehicle and driven away to be disposed of responsibly.

To legally be able to transport waste, a Waste Carrier License is required. This license ensures that the company know how to make responsible disposals and are registered with the council.

Why Is Muckaway Needed?

Muckaway is a service that’s required throughout most construction projects. Allowing waste to build up on site can be dangerous, as it can cause obstructions. In many cases, muckaway is required immediately after demolition has occurred. Without clearing the waste first, it can be near impossible to complete the groundworks to a good enough standard.

The Classification Of Site Waste

There are three different types of muckaway waste. Inert, hazardous and non-hazardous. Inert waste consists of the least impactful materials that haven’t gone through any chemical, biological or physical changes. This includes soil, brick and concrete. Hazardous waste includes materials such as asbestos, solvents and chemicals. It can also include invasive plants and contaminants. Finally, non-hazardous waste is anything else that won’t fit into the previous categories. This waste needs to be processed, as it can be harmful if disposed of improperly. These materials include items with gypsum or sulphate in and non-reactive hazardous substances.

8w Tipper

For Muckaway & Site Clearance, Choose J Keane

If you need tipper trucks or grab lorries to take your construction site waste away, we can help. Get in touch with our team today to discuss your project and see how we can help. We would be happy to offer you a free quote for our services, simply contact us for further information.